Equal Opportunities

The Law

The Race Relations Act 1976 makes it unlawful to discriminate against a person, directly or indirectly, in the field of employment.

Statement of Intent

It is the aim of CJ O’Shea Group to be an equal opportunity employer. The Group commits itself to promote and develop equal opportunities and will keep under review its policies, procedures and practices to ensure that they accord with the principles of equal opportunities and are constantly applied.

The Responsibility of Employers

It is the responsibility of senior management to provide equal opportunities for all job applicants and current employees.
Senior Management must therefore adopt, implement and monitor our equal opportunities policy to ensure that there is no discrimination and that equal opportunity is genuinely available to all.
Copies of this policy are available to all staff, both within the office and on each site.

Equal Opportunities Policy

The following list of responsibilities for recruitment, training and promotion will be
adopted throughout the group:

  1. No job applicant or employee will receive less favourable treatment than another on the grounds of race, colour, creed, religion, ethnic origin, nationality, sex, marital status, disability, sexuality or social status.
  2. No applicant or employee will be placed at a disadvantage by requirements or conditions which have a disproportionately adverse effect on his or her racial group and which cannot be shown to be justifiable on other than racial grounds.
  3. Where appropriate and where permissible under the Race Relations Act, employees of underrepresented racial groups will be given training and encouragement to achieve equal opportunities within the organisation.

In order to ensure that our equal opportunities policy is effective the following principles will be actioned by directors

  • Overall responsibility for the policy will be given to a member of senior management.
  • Discussion and, where appropriate, agreement with trade union or employee representatives of the policy’s contents will be implemented.
  • The policy will be known by all employees and if possible by all job applicants.
  • Training and guidence for supervisory staff and other relevant decision makers (such as personnel, line manager, agent and foremen) will be given to ensure that they understand their position in law and under company policy.
  • Examine and regularly review existing procedures and criteria and change them where they find that they are actually or potentially unlawfully discriminatory.
  • Make an initial analysis of the workforces and regularly monitor the application of the policy with the aid of analyses of the ethnic origins of the workforce and of job applicants in accordance with the guidance in this document.
  • When advertising or sending our literature to potential applicants include a statement that the O’Shea Group of Companies are “Equal Opportunities Employers”.

Monitoring Equal Opportunities

Directors and senior management should regularly monitor the effects of selection decisions and personnel practices and procedures in order to asses whether our equal opportunities policy is being achieved.

The following is a guide line for monitoring:

  1. Keep records showing the ethnic origins of existing employees and job applicants.
  2. Keep all records protected from misuse.
  3. Keep records on the reasons for selection or rejection of each job applicant.
  4. Analyse the information gathered on a regular basis.
  5. Ensure that there is no discrimination at the point of selection for work whether it be at the office or on site.
  6. Ensure that job advertisements, use of employment agencies, recruitment and training schemes are designed to reach members of ethnic groups within the area of the location of a sire or temporary office as appropriate.

The Responsibilities of Individual Employees

  • No employee will discriminate against a fellow employee on any grounds whatsoever.
  • No employee will attempt to induce another employee to practice discrimination.
  • No employee will victimise another employee who has made allegations of discrimination.
  • No employee who is a trade union member will discriminate against another member or non member on racial, sexual or any other grounds.
  • Each employee should cooperate with management to ensure equal opportunities and non-discrimination and notify management of any actions of harassment or intimidation or another employee on racial grounds.
  • It is the duty of each employee to accept a commitment to this policy and a personal responsibility for making the policy effective.
  • This policy has been approved by the board of CJ O’SHEA GROUP LTD and endorsed by the Director responsible for equal opportunities Mr R O’Connor.

General Principals


It is unlawful to discriminate in dismissal, or other detriment to an employee.

Performance Appraisal

It is unlawful to discriminate in appraisals of employee performance.

Terms of Employment

It is unlawful to discriminate in affording terms of employment and providing benefits, facilities and service for employees.

Grievances and Disputes

It is unlawful to discriminate in the operation of grievances, disputes and disciplinary procedure by victimising an individual through disciplinary measures because he or she has complained about discrimination or given evidence about such a complaint.


It is unlawful to victimise individuals who have made allegations or complaints of discrimination or provided information about such discrimination or to put pressure on members of staff to discriminate.