Portal West


Redevelopment of Portal West comprising the demolition of the existing structures, enabling works, the design and construction of a multi-storey development of four blocks containing 578 nr apartments, 30,000 sq ft of commercial space within the ground and lower floors all above a double depth basement with car parking/cycle storage/plant rooms and refuge areas including all associated external works and landscaping

  • Location:
  • 6 Portal Way
    London W3 6RU
  • Duration
    38 months
  • Contract Value
    £168.5 million
  • Design Co-Ordination
    C.J.O'Shea & Company Ltd
  • Architect
    BUJ Architects
  • Structural Engineer
    Manhire Associates
  • Services Engineer
    Mendick Waring Limited
  • Client
    City and Docklands

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